I love a transformation.
A transformed life, a transformed relationship, a transformed junk find. I like to think of my life as one that is always in a state of transformation. And a good thing it is....seriously, I don't think there is a minute goes by that I am not "oopsing" or "why did I say that?' or "what was I thinking?" I know I will never get it all right before I go to heaven, but I'm thankful for grace...and the desire to change.
Remember this?
My garage sale potting bench that looked good on the outside and was rotting under the paint?
I couldn't put it to the road. Just couldn't kick it to the curb. I wanted that doggone table rescued in some way, and it was nagging at me. And then, I came up with a plan.
I let JR use his sledgehammer to remove the whole top. And then he made a new top from some old redwood that was out back.
I stripped off the remaining paint.
Then, gave it a good coat of oil.
Last, we cut the legs down to eliminate the rot at the bottoms, and added caster wheels.